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Right Before The Fresh Start


Muddy Messy waiting.


Waiting. In the discomfort and the messiness, It’s the the transitional zone before the new. 

I recently learned about the 5th season that exists in the northeast from a dear old friend. Here I thought there were only 4 season…  But when winter starts to thaw and spring hasn’t yet begun in it’s full bloom, there is a season of mud when it just feels like a sliding, slippery, gray brown mess. The deep underground is still frozen so when the surface begins to melt it has no place to go and just lays on top for a while until the depths soften. No one knows how long it will last from year to year. 

No seeds can take hold yet. The surface level of the earth looks pretty gross. It reminds me of the liquification that happens to the caterpillar before it becomes the butterfly. No wings to show, no beautiful colors, no lightness and fluttering. Just brown, earthy liquids encapsulated until the right moment to emerge. The mucousy, molten mess of becoming. 

It’s the birth pains and the extended labor that can happen before new life arrives. No one knows how long it takes. It seems eternal in those moments. The baby in the darkness being compressed and released as it slowly creeps to the light. Hovering and dangling between worlds. The mother breathing through what feels like being ripped apart and at the same time imploding. 

Waiting. In the discomfort and the messiness, It’s the the transitional zone before the new.  

All we have in those times is the remembering that spring will come, the butterfly will transform, and the new life will arrive. It’s a tense moment of blind faith when everything that the eyes can see shows nothing but discomfort we could just focus on things that don’t seem so beautiful in the physical, 3d  reality.  That’s when the inner voice is most important, the connection to the greater, the zoom out to remember how greater cycles work. We nurture and protect that tender new life not yet arrived, we observe what’s happening through a zoomed out lens, we trust the bigger process. 

And we breathe through it and simply wait until right timing arrives. 



become aware,look within


The most violent invisible energy.


An exchange or relationship pattern where one person or both uses tactics to minimize the experience of someone else, not take responsibility for their actions, instead, shift blame, downplay, avoid and make the other person feel crazy and unheard. It usually ends in a wildly violent explosive interaction from one or both people intentionally or subconsciously taking all of the power by using the tactic of avoidance, blame shifting and denial. It can happens with parents, kids, romantic partnerships, friendships and can be the base for emotionally / mentally abusive interactions.

Gas being lit on fire all over the world. Every time online I see a new chemical explosion on twitter. Mainstream no? Why not? Why isn’t invisible toxic chemicals exploding making the news?

This energy pattern hides in the shadows. Seemingly small, almost too small to get much notice. Unseen by the eyes.  Even when it explodes it gets quick fiery blame and then is shoved back under the carpet. But it doesn’t mean it isn’t seeping into the soil, into the water, into the air, into our homes affecting our health and well being. 

It’s quite literally happening. Gaslighting.

It’s the invisible violence to the internal self from one partner to another, a boss to an employee, a predator to a child. Chipping away at natural self protection, self value, self validation and love.

Lighting up noxious gas. Gaslighting. Ultimately exploding. This pattern is in almost every relationship I’ve witnessed and even within ourselves.  So, are we surprised to see it in the collective reality? Quite literally. 

“Just stop, you are making too big a deal of this. It’s always something with you, isn’t it? Why can’t you just be happy. Why are you such a drama queen? It was just a joke, don’t have a sense of humor do you? I don’t want to argue right now. God, again? Why are you dwelling on this? Can you just let it be? Why do you always have to stir up fights? It was just an hour. 

When really, One person is desperately saying “Hey, can you hear me, there is an action that is impacting our family, our relationship, our job, me.  I’m not feeling safe. This breaks trust. I want to express my perspective. This happened.”



Unheard, invisible, confused, depleted and exhausted from the internal battle.

Denial, flat out lies, Blame and shifting the topic, straight up avoidance or small personal attacks. Walking away with all of the power. Leaving the other to wait, hope, try to make sense of reality. But patience and silence doesn’t make the poisonous words disappear. 

Sweeping more toxins under the carpet seeps into our self worth and the ability to see clearly. Hiding it doesn’t make it go away.  It’s tiny words that get swept into the air. But still have effects on our cells, on or psyche, on our heart, on our perceived value. 

But is the ignitable toxic behavior or invisible pokes and denials, create a murky dust of confusion in the one who can see that actions have effects that aren’t positive.  And over months, years. That toxic gas, that avoidant and blaming behavior when one or both parties don’t want to or aren’t ready to acknowledge can very probably, create violent outbursts, breakdowns of trust, and chaos.

It’s easy to blame the crazy one, the one who can’t get ahold of their emotions or explodes over seemingly tiny things. The one who was ignored and minimized tends to leave a physical wake of destruction as the finally externalize all of the internal turmoil.  The physical evidence shows that someone broke the mug, slammed the door or escalated into other kinds of retaliation. 

Our world so focused on the physical, the material, the tangible with the materialist way of looking at things that  the subtle, the unseen, the emotional violence gets minimized and unrecognized.  Both are violent. Both are destructive. Both create pain. Both create brokenness.

Shining a light on that which hides in the dark of our most intimate interactions is the only way. Tools that can perceive that which the eyes can’t have to be shared.  For awareness, for communication tactics, emotional awareness/regulation/responsibility, for support and for firm boundaries saying enough.  For healing.

Shifting the pattern is challenging because there are so many layers to work through. Self denials, cognitive dissonance, lack of awareness, previous abuse and imprints of unhealthy relationship in our subconscious all have to be sorted through with gentleness. 

Today it starts with awareness. The breath, self soothing, self validation, support, updated communication styles and  creating a safe space for both parties are ultimately needed to break the pattern, build a new foundation and practice a healthier way of being.  But for today.  Awareness.

The Power of Collective Time

Lost time 

Where aer you losing it?


do you value your time? do you use it wisely?

Where is your Energy being siphoned off. The Power of Collective Time. What is it (accumulated, incremental time) as a resources, as an energy and as a life changing and world changing force. Let’s do the math on some experiences we have together and see where it can be redirected and used in a more positive way.

Connecting to Ancestry: My story with the Iching


story of how I found the iching


How do WE connect to our Ancestral ties and guides. My personal story

Many years ago I had this deep desire to connect to my ancestry on an almost spiritual level and had no idea where to start. I had felt a lack of roots or understanding of the idea of home, myself and felt like there was a deeper rift that just losing family or identity when I was adopted.

One night, I sent a prayer out from my heart- “Please help me connect to my ancestry and my roots- I looked for my birth parents, I travelled through korea for a months alone, and now i still feel like there is something missing and I have no idea where to start.”

Within a couple days a random friend of a friend became guest stayed out our home in Peru.

He had been practicing tai chi, chi gong and reading iching. He did a reading with me – I got symbol *revolution- * the revolution starts within. I don’t know what came over me but I felt this shaking in my bones and started sobbing uncontrollably over the breakfast nook table.

I heard over and over again, “you know this language, you speak this language, you understand this language.” It felt like an anchor just landed within me. I didn’t really know where to start but I knew it was something that would help me understand myself more, my history, my roots.

I started studying it from that point on. Not in any linear academic sense, but just pulling readings and finding lots of books and articles that I’d delve into over the course of 9 years. I moved on to also read oracle cards and tarot with basic understandings of astrology but it is the iching that gives me the clearest most profound readings.

As I rolled the coins and read the symbols it was like getting to know my ancestors who worked with the elements and the unseen energetic worlds. They knew and were masters of the subtle energies through space, time, seasons, relationships, physical spaces, and the physical body. I know my ancestors walk with me now, guide me, laugh at me with twinkling eyes and kind but fierce hearts. I see archetypal visions play out. And can hear their whispers in my dreams or when I let my mind calm down enough to hear their gentle guidance.

Almost a decade into study, practice and starting to do readings for others, I looked at the Korean flag – like really saw it for the first time. The yin yang, fire water elements and the iching trigrams at each corner of the flag anchoring it. The whole time, my place of birth had this language imprinted with the information, flying over my homeland the whole time and it all made more sense. ( I drew this picture in my journal a few months ago when I discovered this funny connection)

Become Unshakeable with the words I AM




How do we find out Who We TRULY ARE

So many spiritual belief systems point back to this but why is it the foundational tap root that makes our roots so deep we become unshakeable? Why are these words crucial for mental health and why so many of us forget to even ask this question. Most people don’t realize this mantra is grounding but we get into why it makes all healing simpler if we start with this foundational block.

Why Is IT IMPortant.

We get into the power of words in their ability to rewire the brain and chemistry, we explore the ancient practice of why knowing oneself gives additional clarity for healing, and explore the different BE verbs in other languages to differentiate passing states from essence, selfhood states. This knowingness, depending how deeply you choose to explore it can unlock additional wisdom from within you and make it easier to not take on other belief systems, labels or identities from the external world. 


Get More energy with Breath


4 Easy Techniques


This is the most important practice for more energy

What keeps your cells from dying, your body from atrophying and cleans out your entire system to give you more vitality? These simple practices can help with mental health, physical health and bring more energy to your day. Give it a go and see your body start to restore and have more vibrancy. After covid this is the most important thing you can do for your body and you can even do it while sitting on the toilet, on your commute or while you watch netflix. Even better if you are doing nothing.

Breath work 4 Techniques to build upon.

We’ll learn why it’s the most fundamental part of wellness. Learn how to pay attention to the breathe, increase oxygen in your body and use breath work to go into deeper meditative state, all of which support energy, vitality, mental health and healing. 

Do you pay attention to how you breathe on a day to day basis? Is it tight? Is it restricted? Is it sharp? Notice where you are breathing, from the top of your chest? Or from the belly and diaphragm?

The point is to start breathing more fully throughout every moment of your life, but for now we are going to retrain the mind and the muscles after life has taught us to hold our breath.


Breathe in a circle- meaning, no sharp inhale or exhale, soften the transition between the in breath and out breath. Pay attention to how you are breathing and starting to slow down and ease muscles from constricting or holding. Try counting to 10 to stay focused on breathing rather than on thoughts. 


Stretch the diaphragm by breathing in for as long as you can while keeping the breath slow and steady. At the top of the inhale pull even more air into your lungs 2-3 times and focus on exhaling slowly and evenly. This trains the muscles to be able to open and capture more oxygen with each breath.


Practice the first breath starting to count in for as many as you can and match the exhale to be the same length of time while keeping the rhythm soft and easy, smooth and slow. Start where it is easy and you can keep stretching to lengthen the time for in and out breath. This is a standard meditative breath to practice on a daily basis even if it is only for a few breaths at a time. 


This breath takes practice but can help you enter deeper meditative, visionary states where you can begin to connect on a more profound level. Inhale while counting as long as you can, Hold the breath at the top for the same amount of time while keeping your muscles at ease. Exhale for the same amount. If you are gasping for breath, try less time and slowly stretch the muscles until you find it easy. The goal is to reach 8-20 seconds 

Collective Theme: Grounding / Root Chakra


Collective Theme


Collective Themes of Safety, Security and Rootedness

Noticing a consistent theme the work I do. Recently, many people seem to be working through issues of safety and security. Our roots, our health, our home base, feeling belonging, and our feeling of being ourselves authentically without being attacked or dismissed. Fears rise from a place where we don’t know if we safe to be real, or maybe we don’t know where our security will come from… 

Groundedness goes deeper than deep. Alex drew a picture a long time ago that was a tiny flower with roots that went down in complex patterns, deep into the ground. He said, “The most important part is invisible to our eyes.” 

Liam mentioned, “we should turn our angry into silly” The balance of the heavy stuff is the light stuff. I feel like my boys nailed it. Breathe- stay light, laugh about the ridiculousness, get out in the sun, don’t forget to play and remember that the most important deep work is usually invisible to the eye but the most important/the most foundational. 

Sometimes rage, financial worries and sleep issues come up with safety issues; sometimes it’s fear of the darkness itself. Remember:  Safety includes feeling like we are supported by something bigger, connecting the earth, appreciating our food and where it comes from, feeling financially sound and valued. Observe: beauty, what nourishes you and what’s happening with your physical sensations. It can help to dig into ancestry, get out in nature and remember to stay present in your skin. 

I feel like so much is happening under the surface. Globally and within each one of us.  Sending love and support to those finding that this message rings true.

Get to Sleep: Guided Meditation


Here or right click to Download


I struggled with insomnia for many years since childhood and was introduced to this tool in my late 20s.  I had some negative associations around sleep as well as wasn’t able to turn off the track that would review everything I had ever regretted or worry and plan for everything in the future. 

I hope that this meditation can help you get to sleep a little easier because it might help you turn off your own thoughts a bit and come back to just breathing and relaxing into your body.

I’d love feedback- if you’d like a longer track, something mellow background noise, want something more ASMR whisper-y. Please let me know.